JLD International,inc 应用

無料550問原付免許試験問題集 11.0
【原付免許学科試験:問題集550問】無料で空いた時間で手軽に原付免許問題を練習できます。50問中45問正解で合格になります。原付免許試験って意外と難しいんですよね。合格率も60%くらいだし。引っ掛け問題も収録の試験合格につながる万全の対策アプリです。よろしければ是非ご活用してください。[Moped license writtentest: collection of problems 550 questions]So easy in the vacated free time you can practice a moped licenseproblem.It will pass in the 45 questions correct answer in 50questions.I think I'm surprisingly difficult I moped license test. Pass rateto it about 60%.Hook problem also measures app thorough leading to the exam of therecording.Please to take advantage by all means if it is good.
JLPT N2 Listening Training 3.0
JLPT N2 Listening Training is a useful app tolearn Japanese and prepare for aJLPT N2 level listening exam.Study companion for the Japanese and JLPT exams For LevelsN2.I hope you pass the exam!(You need Internet connection to use this APP)
日檢N4級單字帳500 1.0
Japan seized N4 level word account. tap and learn!
フランス語検定マスター 2.0.7
- French test (3 primary to Grade 5) This is the measure of thequiz app. French test (3 primary to Grade 5) This is a 4-choicequiz for candidates.
韓国語旅行会話単語帳1000 1.0.0
South Korean travel and Korean word book phrase book with a voicethat can be used in the Korean language learning
JLPT N5 Listening Training 3.0
JLPT N5Listening Training is a useful app tolearn Japanese and prepare for aJLPT N5 level listening exam.Study companion for the Japanese and JLPT exams For LevelsN5.I hope you pass the exam!
Very simple JLPT N5 Level Flash card. JLPTLevel N5 Kanji,Verb,adj List etc.There are 500 wordsContains kanji suitable for students studying for JLPT LevelN5Easy and fun to use—perfect for study and drillingJapanese all in kana and kanji, with clear definitions inEnglish
日检N2级单字帐1000 1.0
日检N2级单字帐1000日检N2级单字帐。tap and learn!日检N2级单字帐1000+plus。名词、动词、形容、副词、其の他。日本语能力测验N1必胜字汇Japan seized N2 levelvocabulary accounts 1000Japan seized N2 level word account. tap and learn!Japan seized N2 level word account 1000 + plus.Nouns, verbs, describe, adverbs, its の him.Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1 win vocabulary
ドイツ語検定・独検3・4級単語テスト 1.0
ドイツ語検定・独検3・4級テスト対応の簡単単語テストです。独検に受験予定の方は是非ためしてみてください。It is a simple word testof German test-Dokuken 3.4 grade test support.Please try by all means the person of the exam scheduled forGermany biopsy.
ドイツ語検定3・4級単語帳-独検- 1.0
ドイツ語検定3・4級単語帳-独検-シンプルな独検3・4級対策の単語帳です。Germany biopsy -3-quaternary word book German test -It is a word book Dokuken 3-quaternary measures simple.
戀愛英文 2.0
我愛你我對你深深著迷跟我約會吧我想要更了解妳我一見鐘情你你是我的命運的人我總是想著你告訴我你的手機號嗎稍後給你打電話、好嗎我們為什麼不交換電子郵件地址?I love youI'm stuck on youI'm dating right nowI want to know more about youI fall in love youYou are my destiny peopleI'm always thinking of youTell me your phone number you'll Call you later, okayWhy do not we exchange e-mail addresses?
戀愛日文 2.0
必備戀愛日文約會句。綁住我們之間的紅線 我不懂你的感受你懂我的感受嗎你好久沒做愛了嗎你懷孕了你外遇了,背叛我etcMandatory love Japanesedating sentence.Red tie between usI do not know how you feelDo you know how I feelYou had not had sex yetYou're pregnantYou affair, betrayed meetc
毒舌日文~常用日常會話~ 2.0
毒舌日文~常用日常會話~「毒舌日文~常用日常會話~」另類日文日常會話學習,被罵或罵人都很有用!共分為十個主題,從單純的壞話像是化妝後變另一個人似的、根本就不想跟你接吻、因為已經懷孕了所以就只好結婚…等,到職場上可能會用到的這間公司超沒人性、上司真令人感到噁心,朋友之間互相調侃用的覺得自己很可愛吧、真不想跟你做朋友、你整了形之後,應該會變醜吧!、很討厭這種感覺拜託不要裝可愛…,Common poisonous tonguedaily conversation in Japanese ~ ~"Poison tongue used in everyday conversation in Japanese ~ ~"alternative learning Japanese daily conversation, cursing orswearing is very useful!Divided into ten themes, from a purely cosmetic change after suchbad things about another person like, you simply do not want tokiss, because already pregnant so we had to get married ... etc.,may be used in the workplace to this company Super disgraceful,disgusting boss really, with the banter between friends feel verycute, I really do not want to be friends with you, you are out ofshape after a whole, it should be ugly!, hate this feeling Come Donot get cute ...,
毒舌日文 -日文壞話 - 9.0
想要偷偷罵人但是又怕被發現嗎?這個毒舌日文app可以稍微解決一下你的問題~「毒舌日文」是教大家用日文用來罵人或是八卦的毒舌會話,平常大家最常用來罵人的日文的應該就是「八嘎」了吧?但是這個現在使用上太廣泛了,再來學一點不一樣的吧!免得想偷罵人還被抓包Want secretly curse, butfear of being discovered it? The tongue can be a little Japaneseapp solve your question - "poison tongue Japanese," is to teach youto curse or use Japanese-tongued gossip session, usually the mostcommonly used is the curse of the Japanese should "Eight Ga",right? But this now use too broad, come learn a little differentnow! Lest steal curse also capture
免費商務日文學習APP 2.0.7
Used with 'free Japanese learning business APP "to let the JapaneseLanguage Proficiency enter ho!
インドネシア語BIPA/TOIFL検定テスト 2.0.7
インドネシア語検定単語クイズです。 合計500問あります。インドネシア語検定試験にも役立てるかも。 APPは初心者向けと中級向けです。APPは、試験によく出る必須の単語をピックアップしており、試験に役立つアプリとなっています。他のアプリケーションに満足していないなら、是非検定の練習に使ってみましょう。 特徴: - 実際の検定シミュレーション及び検定テスト環境- テストモードでは、あなたは答えのスコアを取得します - オーディオ -広告除去 - 広告を削除する名詞・動詞・形容詞などカテゴリー分けされているので学習しやすいです。 これだけ覚えればイタリア旅行や検定試験にも十分役立ちます。ぜひインドネシア語学習に役立ててください。
Curso de japonés por libre 2.0.7
This is a test application for "Japanese course for free".
商務日語-出差- 1.0
一般會話一般會話 2飯店吃日本菜買日本貨機場交通生病便利服務業General SessionGeneral Session 2HotelJapanese foodBuy Japanese goodsAirportTrafficSickConvenienceServices
フランス語旅行会話 1.0
旅行に役立つフランス語会話を音声付で収録。押したり指差したりするだけで通じます。I record a voiceconversation with the French to help you travel.It leads by simply pointing or press or.
Japanese simple flash card 2.0
This is a word book to memorize key words and conversations byscene.
日本クイズ 1.0
日本の都道府県を当てるクイズや建物、京都のお寺名を答えるクイズなど外国人向けの日本クイズです。Japan's shed prefecturesquiz and buildings, it is Japan quiz for foreigners such as Kyotoanswer the temple name quiz.
Japan Quiz 3.0
FREE interactive Japanese Quiz Games & Japan Trivia on JapanGeography etc.
ピアノコードクイズ 2.0
ピアノの初心者向けコードを覚えるクイズです。基本的な記号のクイズもあります。四択問題で楽しくピアノのコードが覚えられます。画像をクリックすると拡大します。It is a quiz to learn thebeginner's code of piano.There is also a quiz basic symbol.Fun piano code a four 択 problem will be remembered.Click to enlarge the image.
Vocabulario del JLPT N3 1.0
Vocabulario del JLPT N3JLPT N3 Vocabulary
Impara il giapponese parola 1.0
Impara il giapponese parolaLearn Japanese word
日檢N3級單字帳500 1.0
日檢N3級單字帳500。名詞、動詞、形容、副詞、其の他。日本語能力測驗N3必勝字彙Japan seized N3 levelaccount 500 words.Nouns, verbs, describe, adverbs, its の him.Japanese Language Proficiency Test N3 win vocabulary
Japanische Wörter 1.0
Japanische Wörter japanische studienJapanese words Japanesestudies
JLPT Word Breaker JP-ENG 1.0
- Learn JLPT exam word JAPANESE to ENGLISH.- Japanese is one of the most widely used languages around theworld.- Download "JLPT Breaker JP-ENG for iPhone" for FREE today tostart learning JLPT exam on your iphone.- Test your knowledge of the JLPT Japanese language exam,vocabulary and ability to use at right places .
出差常用英語 1.0
謝謝你幫我 不客氣 對不起 我很抱歉 不要但心 沒關係 再說一遍 請說慢一點 你可以用英文說嗎? 我就要離開
Very simple JLPT N1 Level Flash card. JLPTLevel N1Kanji,Verb,adj List etc.There are 1000 words+plusContains kanji suitable for students studying for JLPT LevelN1Easy and fun to use—perfect for study and drillingJapanese all in kana and kanji, with clear definitions inEnglish.
TOEIC word practice 1000 3.0
This app is for TOEIC examgrammarsections.Red mark will appear If you make a mistake.Green mark will appear If you make a correct.There is 100 questions x 10 in lists.Good luck!
Business Japanese Talking book 1.0.0
There are Business Japanese LIST with audio. You can tap and listenthe words or phases. To memorize, You can add words into yourfavorite list. Useful Business Japanese conversation app. Commonphrase Business trip Company visiting Meeting Telephoneconversation Shop conversation etc
タップして話す! スペイン語旅行会話 4.0
Tap to speak! Spanish travel conversation From a convenient 360phrases that can be used at the time of travel to Spanish speakingcountries.
ビジネス英語単語帳 1.0.0
英語圏への海外出張やビジネス英語学習に使える音声付きビジネス英語単語帳フレーズブック旅行に役立つビジネス英語会話400語を音声付で収録。 押したり指差したりするだけで通じます。覚えたい単語やフレーズは長押しでお気に入りに登録できます。 全部で400語あります。 使い方はとても簡単です。ビジネス英語検定試験対策にも使えます。 初回はネット環境が必要です。
悪口英会話 2.0
悪口英会話1悪口英会話 2悪口英会話 3悪口英会話4恋人への悪口仕事での悪口夫妻の悪口友達への悪口食事での悪口外人さんの言う発音でCuss English 1Cuss English 2Cuss English 3Cuss English 4Ill of loversIll of workIll of Mr. and Mrs.Ill of a friendIll of a mealIn pronunciation say foreigner's
毒舌英文 -英文壞話 2.0
想要偷偷罵人但是又怕被發現嗎?這個毒舌英文app可以稍微解決一下你的問題~「毒舌英文」是教大家用英文用來罵人或是八卦的毒舌會話,平常大家最常用來罵人的英文的應該就是「...」了吧?但是這個現在使用上太廣泛了,再來學一點不一樣的吧!免得想偷罵人還被抓包Want to curse butsecretly for fear of being found in it? The sharp-tongued Englishapp can solve a little about your question - "poison tongueEnglish" is a curse to teach you English or sharp-tongued gossipsession, usually the most commonly used English should be the curse"...", right? But this now use too broad, come to learn that it isnot the same! Lest the curse also get caught trying to steal
Baby Sleep Alarm 1.0
★ Ultimate Baby sound Alarm Clock - With cuteBaby images and voices! ★★ chat with Baby!★The simple and easy to use alarm allows you to add multiple alarmstimes, select different cat sounds for each alarm,receive background notification when the alarm rings,plus many more unique and fun features. Brighten up your day byusing this beautifully designed app!vibration alarm to see if you can wake up.Simply put the phone under the pillow or where you can hear thevibration.If it works for you then you now have an alarm that wakes you upand not your partner!* We highly recommend you test the alarm few times to make sureits working properly and you've set it up properly before using itduring your daily routine.
日本人の毒舌中文壊話 1.0
不好意思説的事情是日本人的岩田先生代替!當然在公司和学校會収録太太興朋友日常難以啟歯的台詞。對方的鼻毛跑出來,上司很臭,我放屁了...越是超想當好人,難以啟歯的事情就越多。這個時候我們就用日本人的岩田桑代替吧!①首先起動「岩田桑の代替」程式。②從選項中選擇塲景。③選擇之後、岩田桑就會現身代替你執行任務。 ④目録表中選擇心情状態。按下發出聲音。操作方法非常簡單。今天開始就讓岩田桑代替你説出難以啟歯的話,讓自己場快吧
Cat wallpaper 2.0
Cute Cats Wallpapers with a brand new look will give you the bestwallpaper experience. Scrollable?pictures wall Several sorts,dozens of categories, search wallpapers View big picture withtouch-screen paging Set as wallpaper, Save wallpapers to local.
Piano chord quiz 2.0
Simple Piano chord quiz.If you a piano beginner player, this app helps you to learn pianocodes.Let's enjoy learning piano codes!
イタリア語検定CELI/PLIDAテスト 2.0.7
Various Italian test measures word quiz. There is grammar filling.There are 1000 questions in total.
Mewmew Mewmew Cat Alarm Clock 1.0
★ Ultimate Cat sound Alarm Clock - WithcuteCat image and voice! ★★ chat with cat!★The simple and easy to use alarm allows you to add multiplealarmstimes, select different cat sounds for each alarm,receive background notification when the alarm rings,plus many more unique and fun features. Brighten up your daybyusing this beautifully designed app!vibration alarm to see if you can wake up.Simply put the phone under the pillow or where you can hearthevibration.If it works for you then you now have an alarm that wakes you upandnot your partner!* We highly recommend you test the alarm few times to makesureits working properly and you've set it up properly before usingitduring your daily routine.
歷代日劇經典台詞app 1.0
歷代日劇經典台詞app交響情人夢破案天才伽利略半澤直樹一公升的眼淚家政婦女王etckuso appAncient dramaclassiclines appNodame CantabileDetection genius GalileoNaoki semi-ZeOne liter of tearsHousekeeping Women Wangetckuso app
Kyoto temple and shrine guide 1.0
Kyoto temple and shrine guide. needinternetconnection. google map.
Japanisches gespräch -Reise- 1.0
Japanisches gespräch -Reise-Japaneseconversation-travel
voyage japonais conversation 1.0
voyage japonais conversationJapanese traveltalk
Japanese Language Test N3 LEVEL APP LESSON 1.0.0
To make quality Japanese Language Test N3 Level lesson available toeveryone. We provide JLPT N3 Level lesson on everything fromintroductory grammar to audio dialog. 20 lessons are available,along with free quizzes, audio resources, and more. If you are anJapanese language student or teacher, our free Application willhelp you